Engineering: from project to product
Product engineering is our company’s biggest strength; every project is revised and personalised in great detail, from its initial conception all the way to thefinal certification, with the goal of ensuring efficient production, competitive prices and high-performance characteristics.
To create a satisfactory product, suitable choices have to be maderegarding project, technology, components, engineering, construction and supply.
In order to encourage a partnership approach with our clients we are able to realise Full Custom or co-design engineering, using skills and know-how that allow us to single out criticalities, improve the product and, when possible, cut expenses.
Creation of brand new products: Starting off from a base idea or a specific technique we can carry out both hardware and software development projects.
Creation of existing products: Starting from a Bom and a master or from a scheme and sample we can reproduce, modify or design the product anew.

Schematic diagram, electrical analysis, PCB design and Mechanical Design, all executed with appropriate CAD.

Firmware development for systems embedded with C language for 8-16-32 bit processors. App developments with OS Android, Linux Windows, and more.
and pre-series production

Creation of prototypes, samples, tests, functional analysis and project validation.
Product industrialization

Refinement of the production process, Drafting of Production Documentation (Bom, layout, etc.)

Pre-compliance tests, Product Certification assistance, CE marking.

In order to solve complex and diverse design issues, we focus our attention on technological advancements, updated formation, extensive knowledge of components and a carefully selected net
Post-sale evolutionary maintenance of the product

Support for eventual maintenance needed for the product, such as modifications, re-engineering for functional requirements, regulatory changes or component obsolescence.